
Wednesday, September 12, 2001

Well, strangely, business calls and mail arrive and I have to get back to work, though I am constantly distracted by news reports, pacing, and worrying about what I hear on the radio/TV.

First order of the day is to read and rank the finalists in the Federation of BC Writers creative writing contest (I'm a judge for the writing for kids 8-12 section).

This took several hours as I had to read all the entries, sort, re-sort, weigh, juggle, consider, and re-read. I have a tentative top three now and will re-read all three tomorrow to make sure I still agree with my own decision. Phoned Vancouver to verify how the manuscripts should be couriered. Organizers there asked if I can make it to Vancouver for Word on the Street on September 30th. I have to figure out if I can fit another trip to Vancouver into the schedule.

Spoke with a teacher in Campbell River. Will travel up-island in order to do two presentations to students in Grades 4, 5, 6 at Penfield Elementary on October 11th.

Contacted the CCBC in Toronto to see if we can arrange a signing at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto (met someone in Spruce Meadows who would like to host such an event).

Spoke to Heather at SNP about the upcoming book launch in October and agreed to do a book signing up at Volume One Books in Duncan on Saturday, October 5th.

Day ended with an exhibition soccer game at Beacon Hill Park (Dani's team against the U-14 Boys Gold team). Tie game (1-1).

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