
Monday, February 05, 2007

Movies, Movies Everywhere!

I LOVE the Victoria International Film Festival, look forward to it every year, and never have enough time to see all the fabulous films that flit through town! To put ourselves in the mood last week, we went to see Children of Men - which was very good - riveting and disturbing. NOT light entertainment and not exactly fun, but well worth seeing. So far at the film festival, I've attended a couple of panels for filmmakers (hard though it is to believe, film is an even wackier business than publishing!) and seen two movies - The Gymnast (in honour of Dani's lost career) and Singing Down the Bones (in honour of poets everywhere). Tonight we're seeing a double-header - Fido (because everyone needs a zombie around the house) and Babel - just because it's supposed to be great (not part of the festival, it's playing tonight at Cinecenta).

All of this filmy inspiration is helping to drive along my own filmmaking endeavours... watch this blog for details (and perhaps some tantalizing Utube clips!)

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