
Monday, January 15, 2007

Star Light, Star Bright, originally uploaded by nikki_tate.

It's all in the details, they say. The past days have seen me chained to the computer, methodically working my way back and forth through the Behind-the-Scenes at the Racetrack mock-up. Photos have been added, replaced, modified - emails are flying back and forth between me, the designer, the editors... Each photo then needed to be double-checked against my permissions file and a permissions page created. Then, after the latest version of the layout arrived this morning, the text and captions all had to be double-checked. It never ceases to amaze me how many errors we find at each of these late stages.

My last list of corrections is now with the editor. She will go through them, add her own notes, and send the whole lot off to a proofreader. No doubt more fixing will happen at that point before the final changes are added and we get one, final look at the book before it heads off to China for printing. I must say that the book is starting to look pretty cool now that I'm seeing the final, full colour pdfs. Very, very neat to see a book coming together after so many months of labour! No matter how often I go through this process, it's always exciting to get to this point and realize that tedious though these final revisions may seem, the final product is nearly here!

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