
Saturday, January 13, 2007

A bit of a fractured day today... We are pushing to get the final details taken care of on BTSAT Racetrack so Fortunato (the designer in Toronto) and I have been emailing and talking on the phone, making last minute decisions on the final few photos. Computers are wonderful tools, but mysterious in the myriad ways they manage to mess things up. Pressing deadlines just make everything worse. How does one explain jpegs leaving my place looking perfect and arriving at Fortunato's computer looking like negatives! Then there was the matter of finding a photo of Tony the day we brought him home - this to go in the section on neglected horses who have seen better days at the track. I needed a horse image to use where some horse owner wasn't going to come after me with lawsuits in mind... Anyway, much hunting, sorting, swearing, and - finally - scanning and emailing before THAT was taken care of. And... here he is -

You can see why we called him "Bony Tony"! Poor guy. He looks a lot better these days, though he has never made it to anything close to rotund status.

Then, phase two of my day began with a photo shoot to come up with a couple of shots to go along with a forthcoming article in Horsepower Magazine ( The article is for young writers who like to write horse stories. Not such an easy article topic to illustrate, particularly since the weather has been stinky since October! Here's one of Valentina and Theo, gracious models both!

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