- truck to Cunningham's (exhaust pipes dropped out while travelling at speed on the Pat Bay Highway)
- ship books to three schools in Duncan
- confirm Desiree will be able to come and help Dad with the horses while I'm away
- worm the horses
- all the normal barn chores
- complete Canada Council form for readings done in Duncan/Chemainus
- interview Karen's mother
- follow-up on school booking query (been playing phone tag with the principal for a week)
- clean Dad's car (trunk currently filled with hay debris - see point one above)
- back-up hard drive to external drive to be taken to Winlaw
- bring more hay up from storage barn down the road (by hand, two bales at a time, on a push cart)
- send an update email to all the folks in Iceland who are waiting for copies of the TV show on tape
- call farrier to change date of appointment
- laundry
- water plants
- pack
- continue to edit the travel piece about getting lost in the Lake District
- pull all files relating to GOOD NEIGHBOURS (adult novel)
- and so on...
Sigh. There's more, of course, but I have to get at least this much done before I leave tomorrow.
Meanwhile, stayed up too late last night reading Crazy Man by Pamela Porter.
Really, really good. Berdina at Cadboro Bay Books said Porter's writing reminded her a bit of Sharon Creech - it's a good comparison. Couldn't put it down. I often don't agree with the Canada Council prize winners, but in this case, yeah - they got it right. In February Porter will speak at the Victoria Children's Literature Roundtable on a Newcomer's Panel, so named because the authors are relatively unknown to members of our group. In fact, Porter is not really new to the writing world, more like recently discovered in a big way. I have to see if I have a copy of her first book, Sky
somewhere in my library. The cover looks vaguely familiar... so, there we go - another thing to do today, find a copy of Sky that I may not even own. That should be good for a healthy stretch of procrastinating at some point...