
Friday, November 05, 2004

I know this blog was supposed to be a chronicle of the writing life... but somehow, life keeps getting in the way. I wonder, sometimes, how long it will be before I can get back to some sort of productive schedule at the computer. Dani is egging me on to produce at least a few words a day and to this end has created a nom de plume for me at the website. To be more accurate, it's a nom de plume for both of us as we are working on a collaborative project.

If you don't know about NaNoWriMo yet, it's pretty cool. The lengthy acronym stands for National Novel Writing Month. Each November, countless would-be novelists crack open notebooks, sharpen pencils, and flex their carpal tunnels in an effort to write 50,000 words before the end of the month. The website has tons of info, networking, and fun stuff (plenty, in fact, to distract even the most dedicated writer!) for moments when enthusiasm sags...

Five days into the month you may ask, "How is it going?" I must admit that Dani has completed more that her share of the word-count so far but I have surprised myself by writing more than I have for months. Together we've written about 5000 words - not bad, all things considered!

And so, rather than an update on Nikki's Critterville, I will sign off and try to write a few more words before life, once again, gets in the way.

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