Ack. That just about sums it up. So pressed for time am I, point form of the deadlines I currently face will have to do. The list should serve as an explanation as to why a) I am a lousy correspondent, b) this blog is so neglected, and c) I'm feeling panicky even though I don't drink much coffee any more.
1. Must finish sequel to
Jo's Triumph. First draft of Jo's Gold is nearly done - small problem - I hate it.
2. Must submit Family Guide (for parents of very small - i.e. preschool - children) to the Royal British Columbia Museum. An exceptionally interesting project, and one that has helped with research for Jo's Gold, but extremely challenging. Just try distilling a whole museum into five thousand words or less. Extra challenge: some of your readers are still in diapers.
3. Finalize travel details for Iceland trip for new TV Show,
Around the World on Horseback. Penalty for not getting this finished - no trip to Iceland.
4. Last reveiw due (waaaay overdue) for CBRA.
5. Island Parent Magazine column - deadline today.
6. Various publicity-related things in my capacity as Sono Nis publicist. Read
Second Watch - it's good.
7. Final edits are done for the new
Tarragon Island book (Trouble on Tarragon Island) but pressure is mounting to start work on a new book.
8. Submit content for Victoria Children's Literature Roundtable newsletter.
9. Edit/format/write (not necessarily in that order) the Bolen Books Bookworm.
10. Keep the animals alive - fed, watered, mucked, and exercised.
11. Keep myself alive - fed, watered, mucked, and exercised.
Those are the highlights I'm dealing with today. There's more, but I don't have time to write them down.