And from the "As if I didn't have enough on my plate department...", here's a new project to check out...
Finally, finally, finally - Dad has let me into his studio! And what a treasure trove it has turned out to be! After years of hoarding original paintings, drawings, Artist Proofs and some copies of several limited edition lithographs made over the years, Dad has finally agreed to let me catalogue some of the goodies he has stashed away. I attribute this change of heart to his recent literal change of heart (well, installation of a brand spanking new heart valve, anyway...) During his recovery this summer he had plenty of time to reflect on his 'I'm not showing my paintings to anyone - you can sell them after I die' attitude of recent years. With the new valve ticking away he has come to the conclusion he might actually have a few more paintings in him yet... To make room for the new, he's decided to let me sell much of what I find tucked in the various nooks and crannies of his studio. This is quite an amazing move for a man who has always locked his studio door and kept everyone out...
Other recent activities include the amazing Barnathon project. Many, many thanks to those who spent last weekend pounding nails, hauling gravel, pouring cement, hefting lumber, drilling, screwing, sawing, etc., etc., The barn looks so much better now that Tony's stall door is no longer listing (the result of too much butt-scratching on the door frame!). Alas, we were so busy labouring away, only one or two photos were taken... I shall try to obtain copies and post them here so you can see what we've been up to. Thanks again to Hermione, Emily, Nikki, Holly, Glen, Desiree, and Dad for your hours and hours of back-breaking work! And thanks, too, to Danielle for catering the event - your pancakes made it bearable to wake up in the tack room after a slightly chilly campout!