
Friday, February 22, 2002

Sigh. The down side to making all those long lists is that sooner or later you have to start checking things off! That's basically what I've been doing over the past month - non-stop list-attacking. One of the projects was to redo my website to better organize what was there and to add things like online versions of teacher guides. Check out the new web look here.

Also in the works, final peeks at both Jo's Triumph and Keeping Secrets at Dark Creek. Both books should be out next month - pretty exciting. The biggest excitement of all, though, has to be the progress being made on the Nevada launch of Jo's Triumph.

In September, 2002, I'll be off to Nevada to ride ten sections of the Pony Express Trail between Schell Creek and Carson City. We're hoping to launch the book in the US in conjunction with the Great Basin Book Far in Reno on September 21 (details yet to be finalized). After that, there are plans in the works to have me visit bookstores and talk with school kids in various communities between Sacramento and Los Angeles. We are also matching five BC grade five classes with five Nevada fifth grade classes for the Pony Express Pen Pals Project. I'll pick up the letters from the kids here and then drop them off (on horseback) to the kids in Nevada. I'll post more details on my website as they become available.

Last week had a fantastic trip to Vancouver to visit with students at Mulgrave School in West Vancouver. I've put a couple of photos up over at the MSN site.