
Friday, October 29, 2004

Breezy - 1980-2004

If I were the superstitious type, I might consider staying in bed on the 13th day of each month. October 13th was a miserable day, all in all. Poor old Breezy decided to roll in the corner of her paddock and in the course of getting up, broke her back leg. The most ironic part of the horrible accident was that the 13th was supposed to be her retirement party. To that end, I had picked up a lovely Shetland pony cross (Emma) and her two best friends, pygmy goats Molly and Casey. These three critters were in the horse trailer waiting to unload when the drama in the paddock unfolded. Perhaps this was Breezy's way of telling me she did not approve of the whole retirement concept.
They say tragedies come in threes and, true to form, Breezy's sad demise was just the first of three deaths that day. My truck has not started since the 13th and neither has my laptop computer. Strange, hmmm?
Photo credit goes to Dani who, thankfully, took a whole series of really lovely portraits of Breezy this summer.

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